S.A. Cert.Licence AB18834

Cathys mobile: 07515637562


Ben and Cathy Wetherden

Organic Pullets

Bens mobile: 07812048323

Range reared & certified organic pullets from day old up to point of lay

Email:   info[at]organicpullets.co.uk


Lohmann Brown Classic pullets, will lay 295+ lovely coloured, large brown eggs in their first year of lay.  Feed intake is less than our other pullets (except the leghorn) as they have a slightly lower bodyweight. They are a lovely calm, friendly pullet.

Cuckoo Maran pullets are docile and are ideal for people looking for something a little special. Some have leg feathers. They lay approximately 220-240 eggs a year and their shell colour is dark brown with excellent internal qualities. Shell quality should be good throughout lay.

Utility Light Sussex pullets have been bred for better egg production than the Light Sussex, therefore are better for eggs than meat. They will produce approximately 250 brown eggs in their first year of lay and are a large pullet, producing good quality eggs for years.

Blues are a large hen with an egg production of approx. 220-240 brown eggs a year. They have very subtle darker lacing. Their neck feathers being generally darker, occasionally with a tinge of red. They also have grey legs. A lovely gentle hen, with the potential of a long life.

Magpies are a Sussex type. Quite a large pullet, also with a lovely calm nature. They lay 240 brown eggs a year. They are well feathered with white lacing around the neck which does vary, a few have only small amounts whilst others are laced all over. 

Copperhead Maran (Cuvree) another dark egg layer producing 240 eggs a year. They have a similar iridescence to their black feathers as the Black Rock or Rhode Rock, but they may also have feathering down the legs.

White Leghorn hens eat less than the other pullets that we keep but still laying a large egg. They will produce up to 300 brilliant white eggs a year for the first three years of life. Great at ranging and good at avoiding the fox!

Redco (also known as Columbian/British Blacktail) are a proven good layer under organic systems, their feathering and colour is striking and they are good natured. They lay around  290+ brown eggs a year.

Rhode Rock are a Rhode Island Red crossed with a Barred Plymouth Rock they are  very productive ,290 brown eggs a year and are very easy going. They eat less and don’t get as big as the Black Rock.

We usually have the following pullets on the farm at various ages, however, we ask that you please get in contact to discuss availability of the breeds you would like!

We keep a closed flock, only day olds are brought on to our farm, which are then reared to Soil Association organic standards.

We would consider rearing other breeds to order, subject to availability.

If you are not sure which pullets would suit you and your needs please get in touch - we are happy to answer any queries - for longer queries, email is the best contact method.

We also ask that you please bring something to transport the hens - either a poultry crate, a high sided cardboard box or pet carrier work well.

© 2023 Cathy Wetherden all rights reserved

Emeralds lay duck-egg blue coloured eggs, great for those mixed coloured egg boxes. They are an Aruacana cross, producing approximately 280 a year. A good choice for anybody wanting a nice mix of egg colours.

Click on the photos for more pictures and information on each breed

Barred Rock is a very striking pullet, really bright barring on their dense feathers, and a lovely friendly personality. They are a Rhode Island Red cross Plymouth Barred Rock. They will lay about 280 brown eggs a year.

Khaki Campbell Ducks are a commercial egg producing duck we rear them to order for those organic customers wanting to offer a wider range of poultry eggs.