Organic Pullets
Copperhead Maran
Copperhead Maran (Cuvree) another dark egg layer producing 240 eggs a year. They have a similar iridescence to their black feathers as the Rhode Rock, but they may also have feathering down the legs.
•A hybrid breed of Marans Noir Cuivré and Rhode Island
•Feather colour: black with copper, ginger chest
•Average body weight at 20 weeks: 1.650 kg
•Average body weight of adult birds: 2.450 kg to 2.550 kg
•Age at start of laying period: 21 weeks
•Age at peak of laying period: 25 weeks
•Hen housed performance to 72 weeks: 240-260 eggs
•Peak of production: 90 % and more
•Monthly mortality: 0.3 to 0.5 %
•Average egg weight: 61 g
•Egg shell colour: deep brown
•Shell strength: excellent
Disclaimer: All specifications describing performances of the above birds represent performance objectives obtainable under good environmental and management conditions. They are not a warranty or guarantee of performance.
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