Organic Pullets


Redco/Columbian Blacktail

Redco (also known as Columbian Blacktail) A proven good layer under organic systems, their feathering and colour is striking and they are good natured. They lay around  290+ brown eggs a year.

  1. A hybrid breed of Rhode Island Red and Sussex types

  2. Feather colour: chestnut with black tail feathers

  3. Average body weight at 20 weeks: 1.600 kg

  4. Average body weight at 72 weeks: 2.200 kg

  5. Age at start of laying period: 21 weeks

  6. Age at peak of laying period: 26 weeks

  7. Hen housed performance to 72 weeks: 280-300 eggs

  8. Peak of production: 90 % and more

  9. Consumption at 20 weeks: 8 kg

  10. Daily consumption: 125-135 g

  11. Monthly mortality: 0.3 to 0.5 %

  12. Average egg weight: 63 g

  13. Egg shell colour: brown

Disclaimer: All specifications describing performances of the above birds represent performance objectives obtainable under good environmental and management conditions. They are not a warranty or guarantee of performance.

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